Premier Youth Ambassadors Receive Awards
3/31/22, 5:00 PM
Students from Utah and Pennsylvania received awards for their outreach and advocacy.

Premier Youth Ambassador for Radon Reduction (CR3) program, which develops radon gas environmental advocate leadership and helps to build power among youth is proud to announce our 2022 ambassadors who have been instrumental in promoting radon testing and mitigation. CR3, recognized three students in Pennsylvania and two in Utah who have been working on projects regarding radon air quality. CR3 will assist youth with their projects by connecting them to resources that will further their efforts surrounding projects focused on air quality, associated health risks, and utility advocacy. The initiative offers students an opportunity to discover the aspects of clean-air advocacy that are most important to them, and to educate and engage their communities in this work. For more information on how you can get involved contact CR3 at: info@citizens4radonreduction.org
The goal of the Premier Youth Ambassador for Radon Reduction program is to give youth the chance to bring attention and awareness to their communities on radon testing and mitigation. These problem areas are particularly salient to our ambassador students as many of them live in designated high-risk communities marked by high levels of radon.